Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Pulp Fiction Opening Analysis

Pulp Fiction is a film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino and distributed by Mirimax studios. The film was released in May of 1994 and grossed $8.5 million at the box office.



The opening sequence for pulp fiction is one of the most crucial scenes for the film. The two characters within the opening sequence, Pumpkin and Honey Bunny, are not major roles within the movie as a whole. This leads to the question why is this scene first and not Vincent and joules, the two main characters within the production? The reason for putting this famous scene first is almost like a taster for the audience of the environment in which the film they are about to whiteness and the style of film. The scene is designed by Tarantino to be almost tong in cheek by the way the characters speak so openly and fondly of committing robberies for financial gain. This black sense of humour is placed so openly within the first scene to almost warn the viewer that this is the style of the movie and if you don’t enjoy it the film will not be enjoyed. Even the names of the characters “Honey Bunny “ and “Pumpkin” are designed to be humorous because these are two serious criminals in which commit serious crimes yet their names are silly and comical for their serious occupation. The main gag within this scene is in the last moments when Honey Bunny goes from being sensitive towards the “little girl” that was on the other end of the phone that was given to the bank manager to in the scene when they agree to rob the restaurant they are in and she says “Any of you F*****g pricks move, and I’ll electrocute every mother f*****g last one of you”



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